19.30 2025 English Kväll Rullstolsåtkomst/Wheelchair accessible UNGDOM/VUXNA VUXNA

FREESTYLE PHANATIX – The History of Beatbox

freestyle phanatix

the history of beatbox

Hur tog detta unika musikuttryck form? Kan man vara ett one-man-band utan fysiska instrument?

The History of Beatbox är en performancekoncert som tar dig med på en interaktiv sfär genom två beatboxares perspektiv från hiphopens kärna.

Feelhip och Rawclaw, mästare i SM och DM i beatbox, gör denna historiska ljudresa som lyfter fram och utforskar vokalkonst från olika kulturer, tider och dagens teknologi.

En hyllning till den djupa förbindelsen mellan människa och musik och en unik form av att lära känna sig själv.

Freestyle Phanatix är Skandinaviens största professionella breakdance-trupp och har genomfört fler än 4000 föreställningar och workshops världen över. Gruppen är ett hiphop-kollektiv med de bästa artisterna från “the old school”, ” the new school” och “the next school”. Nu turnerar den fjärde generationen artister med specialkunskaper i hiphopens konstarter. Truppens arbete är genomsyrat av budskapet om öppenhet, sammanhållning och att kunna se bortom hudfärg och bakgrund. Med en egenskap att vara synliga och imponerande i kombination med en ständigt lika stor målmedvetenhet att nå ut förbi scenkanten, har Freestyle Phanatix en förmåga att alltid få sin publik med sig, oavsett vem de uppträder för.

*Spelas på engelska.


The History of Beatbox

How did this unique form of musical expression come into being? Is it possible to be a one-man band without physical instruments? The History of Beatbox is a performance concert that lifts you into an interactive space from the perspective of two beatboxers, from the heart of hiphop.
Feelhip and Rawclaw, national Swedish and Danish champions, create this historical journey of sound that elevates and explores vocal art from different cultures, eras and modern-day technology.
A tribute to the deep bond between man and music plus a unique way of getting to know yourself. 

Freestyle Phanatix is Scandinavia’s largest professional breakdance troupe that has given over 4000 performances and workshops over the world. The group is a hip-hop collective with top artists from “the old school”, ” new school” and “the next school”. The fourth generation of performers are now touring their specialised expertise in hip-hop as a dance and artform. The troupe’s work is permeated by its message of openness, solidarity and a determination to see beyond skin colour or background. With their knack for gaining visibility and to impress, in combination with an equally strong dedication to reach beyond the limits of a stage floor, Freestyle Phanatix has the ability to always win over their audience, no matter who they perform for.

Fryshuset, Norra Parkgatan 2A 214 22 Malmö


För/For: Från 10 år/10+ *
Antal platser/Number of seats: 100


17.00 2025 Eftermiddag English UNGDOM/VUXNA VUXNA



A Heart Act to Follow – 5 actors; a work-in-progress

Playmate invites you to our simple rehearsal space in Malmö for a glimpse of work-in-progress, as five of our regular actors try out on stage a collection of story-telling tales of love, life, some laughter and some loss. Each short piece is in English. There is a common theme of – perhaps –  love and relationships, as theatre – like life after all! – searches for answers. 

All of the pieces are fascinating stories to us, even if not quite fully polished performances as yet. We would love to have an audience as we try out these texts and see what response we get… to the sound of guitar strings, the clink of coffee cups and a touch of the unknown.  


Kevin Benn, Joan Bentsen, Robin Gott, Evdokia Kelessidi, Michaela Palmer.

Artistic coordination: E Kelessidi

See you there! 

Not recommended for under age 15.

Playmate Theatre Malmö is a professional English-language theatre company in Malmö, southern Sweden, bringing small-cast, intimate, contemporary plays of relevance to Swedish and international audiences. We collaborate with invited guest directors  and at times, on joint or guest productions with other theatre companies in the region. 

In Malmö we usually perform at blackbox theatre Bastionen and when possible tour to Copenhagen and Hamburg. We aim to perform one to two strong choices of play a year, a mixture of straight dramas and dramatic comedies, by playwrights we feel are exciting and whose writing works successfully and internationally. Playmate performs in English and auditions for actors as needed.

Stor Studio, Idunsgatan 6, 214 30 Malmö


För/For: Ungdomar och vuxna/Young adults and adults (15+)
Antal platser/Number of seats: 30 (+ 20 ståplatser/standing)


14.00 2025 Eftermiddag English VUXNA Workshop/Utställning mm

PLAYMATE WORKSHOP – Workshop for theatre-makers, actors & dancers



An Introduction to the Michael Chekhov Acting Technique: a demo by Certified Chekhov Teacher Nathalie Drakemyr.

The Michael Chekhov Acting Technique is highly respected and taught all around the world. It changed the way we think of stagecraft and helped elevate acting to the art form it is today. Clint Eastwood, Ingrid Bergman, Anthony Hopkins and Marilyn Monroe all studied Chekhov Technique to name but a few.

Michael Chekhov was a student of Stanislavsky’s and transformed his teacher’s method by adding imagination as a key element, and from there crafted a toolbox for actors. 


Playmate Theatre Malmö is delighted to invite as a guest Certified Chekhov Teacher Nathalie to give a class in Malmö, as an opportunity for theatre-makers of all levels of experience. The class is two hours long.


Michael Chekhov’s acting technique focuses on the powers of active concentration, imagination and the body’s ability to express the intangible. Dynamic and believable characters with rich inner lives are created in a sustainable way, as the actor’s own feelings and memories are never used and eroded. Instead, the character’s emotions are created artistically through the expressiveness of physical gestures.

This introductory workshop demo works with body and voice and gives the participants a glimpse of the tools and work needed as a surface and only initial introduction to Michael Chekhov acting technique. The class is open to actors, dancers, performance artists, directors and theatre makers, wherever they find themselves on their creative journey. 


Please bring a water bottle, come in clothes and shoes you feel free to move in. 

Nathalie provides a safe environment where there is no right or wrong, only exploration through gentle guidance.


Nathalie Drakemyr is a graduate and certified teacher of the prestigious Michael Chekhov International Academy in Berlin. She is a Swedish actress with a bilingual French/Finnish background, teaches at her own acting studio in Landskrona, is recurring, permanent performer and producing member of Teater Punch Landskrona and Dododo Productions Malmö and has previously performed with  Alla tiders teater, Teater över gränserna, Öresundsteatern, Potatopotato and more.

Playmate Theatre Malmö (est. 2017)

Playmate Theatre Malmö is a professional English-language theatre company in southern Sweden, bringing small-cast, intimate, contemporary plays of relevance to Swedish and international audiences. We collaborate with invited guest directors and at times, on joint or guest productions with other theatre companies in the region. 

In Malmö we usually perform at blackbox theatre Bastionen and when possible, tour to Copenhagen and Hamburg. We aim to perform one to two strong choices of play a year, a mixture of straight dramas and dramatic comedies, by playwrights we feel are exciting and whose writing works successfully and internationally. Playmate performs in English and auditions for actors as needed. 

Stor Studio, Idunsgatan 6, 214 30 Malmö


För/For: Vuxna/Adults (18+)
Antal platser/Number of seats: 14

13.00 16.00 2025 BARN/FAMILJ Eftermiddag English Hörslinga/Hearing loop Rullstolsåtkomst/Wheelchair accessible


barnens scen & theatre in balance


Visste du att Öresund för 40 miljoner år sedan var en björkskog som idag ligger nedsänkt under havet mellan Sverige och dess grannländer? Upplev en helt ny historia om Shakespeares Miranda, fångad på en öde ö med sin högmodige far Prospero. Hon söker frihet från sin fars förtryck, från friare som Prins Caliban – genom att kasta sig ner i havets djup och där hitta en helt ny underbar värld inspirerad av Shakespeares Stormen samt nordiska och argentinska folksagor. Denna spännande fysisk/lyriska föreställning – med text på främst engelska och svenska och inslag av mask och dockteater – väver samman teman om drunknade slavars öden och självbefrielse. Här, under havet kan återuppväckta minnen och upptäckten av ett gemensamt språk bana väg mot en ny framtid. En koreograferad teaterberättelse om makt, miljö, magi och äventyr. Av svensk-franska teaterkompaniet Theatre In-Balance som jobbar flerspråkigt och internationellt med mask, text och scenisk gestaltning sedan 2016. Kom, njut, tänk.


Barnens scen är en scen, som arrangerar kultur för barn och vi erbjuder ett brett utbud av teater, cirkus, musikföreställningar, konserter och dansproduktioner för en barnpublik och deras vuxna.

Theatre In-Balance är ett europeiskt teaterrum för forskning, utbildning, skapande och delning genom genusexpertis och ekologi. ©In-Balance Method, skapad av Mariana Araoz, är grunden för denna forskning. Vår specialitet är hantverket och expertis kring mask-, dockteater- och objektteater, base på dessa konsters egenskaper som uttryck för kommunikation och frihet. Theatre In-Balance är en ambulerande teater. I Sverige är vi baserade i Malmö, genom teatersällskapet TMR/ Theatre In-Balance. I Frankrike är vi baserade i Paris genom La MEG/Company Collectif Masque. I Spanien Barcelona genom teatersällskapet El Teatro del Sotano. Theatre in Balance konstnärliga ledare är Mariana Aaroz. Theater in Balance erbjuder förutom föreställningar, även workshops och utbildning.

* Tal på engelska och svenska.



Did you know that 40 million years ago, the Öresund Strait was a birch forest, now submerged beneath the sea between Sweden and its neighbouring countries?
Experience an entirely new take on the story of Shakespeare’s Miranda from The Tempest, trapped on a deserted island with her proud father, Prospero. She seeks freedom—from her father’s oppression and from suitors like Prince Caliban—by plunging into the depths of the sea, where she discovers a whole new, wondrous world inspired by The Tempest as well as Nordic and Argentine folk tales and the poetry of Laurie Anderson.
This captivating, physical, and lyrical performance featuring text primarily in English and some Swedish, has elements of mask and puppet theatre. A choreographed theatrical tale of power, environment, magic, and adventure.
Created by the Swedish-French theatre company Theatre In-Balance, which has worked multilingually and internationally with masks, text, and stage performance since 2016.
Come, enjoy, reflect.

Barnens Scen is a theatre venue organizing cultural events for children, offering a wide range of theatre, circus, musical performances, concerts, and dance productions for young audiences and their adults.

Theatre In-Balance is an international theatre company and lab space for theatre research, education, creation, with a focus on gender expertise and ecology. The unique In-Balance Method, created by Mariana Araoz, forms the basis of this research. Our expertise lies in the craft of mask, puppet, and object theatre—forms of expression that embody communication and freedom.
Theatre In-Balance is a touring theatre. In Sweden, we are based in Malmö through the theatre company TMR/Theatre In-Balance. In France, we are based in Paris through La MEG/Company Collectif Masque. In Spain, we are based in Barcelona through El Teatro del Sótano.
The artistic director of Theatre In-Balance is Mariana Araoz. In addition to performances, Theatre In-Balance Artistic Director Mariana Araoz offers drama workshops and drama training, at national drama schools the world over and training in the In-Balance Method.

Barnens Scen, Folkets Park, Falsterbogatan 17, 214 36 Malmö



För/For: Från 10 år och vuxna/ From 10 years and adults*
Antal platser/Number of seats: 100

