EVERYONE IS NAMED KNUT (and the worthless art of forgetting how to die curious) A comedy performance about death by Amelie Nörgaard and Nic Schröder. Yes, you read that right. We intend to joke about death. In the spring of 2024, a completely new performance will see the light of day. Amelie Nörgaard and Nic Schröder create a show with comedy and charm that brings together Moomsteatern’s actors, guest actors Stefan Clarin and Sara Vainio, plenty of music by Jan-Erik Sääf, delicious costumes, set design and lighting, and a voiceover with Siw Malmkvist as Mother Earth.
Our story literally begins with a birth. A child comes into the world with all its ignorance about what life is all about and what death really is. But here, you have to learn quickly – put on your bike helmet and be prepared for your emotions to tie themselves in knots one or two times. Welcome to the working life where your colleagues (all named Knut) and your boss (also named Knut) can show you what really matters. Namely, figuring out why you work, what you dream of – a Ferrari or a hot tub, perhaps? And most importantly: Remember never to talk about death!
EVERYONE IS NAMED KNUT (and the worthless art of forgetting how to die curious) is a high-speed comedy show that is well-suited for those who feel that they might need to laugh a bit at the seriousness of life. In an organic jumble of scenes, it twists, turns, and questions our society’s collective perceptions and taboos surrounding what we have encapsulated in the concept of “dying.” At the same time, it aims to inspire approaching one’s own fears with humor, imagination, and courage to access more of oneself. More life, simply put.
Ensemble: Tryggve Algeus, Dennis Mortensson, Niclas Lendemar, Frida Andersson, Johanna Friberg, Julia Hansson, Caroline Andersson, Stefan Clarin & Sara Vainio Ali